Saturday, May 26, 2007

Activity 10

This was a great activity. I went to Image Chef and chose the template of a heart and filled it up with books. Playing with the colors for the words and background was fun.

Then I went to Fds Flickr Toys and made a beaded image. It was interesting to see how the image changed with the choice of beads and colors. I figured out how to place my images where I want them in my blog by editing html. Maybe there is an easier way, but for this activity I just highlighted the html information pertaining to the beaded image, cut it and pasted it below my words.

Activity 9 and 10 ideas will be great to use next year in our library. We could have students review their favorite books and make them in to library trading cards. We can take a digital photo of them with their book and have them type in their review and place them around the library. Very exciting.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

We *HEART* your idea of library trading cards. Enjoy!

Libladylib said...

This picture of this person is very cool. How did you do that?Is it the beaded one or is the heart the beaded one?