Monday, May 21, 2007

Activity 7

Our district has monthly library meetings. At our last meeting we met in one of the computer labs and we were all given a chance to set up our own school library websites. It was so great to learn how to add pictures, scrolling messages, attach our Accelerated Reader test list, and other fun things that are happening in our library. If you get a chance visit our website at (Hold the cursor over the scrolling message and it will stop so you can read it). It is a work in progress and I am excited about adding things that I will learn over the summer. I left a comment on Helen's World. She is really moving along and her blog is great.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Your school website is nice! For a slow reader like me, it would be easier to read the right sidebar if it scrolled a tiny bit slower. :)

Libladylib said...

Hey, Janet, what happened to the rest of your posts????